Gooey and gluttonous...
70% dark chocolate 400g (good quality)
butter 375g
golden caster sugar 350g
eggs 6
vanilla extract 1tsp
plain flour 225g
sea salt 1tsp
salted caramel sauce 250g
white chocolate 200g
Preheat oven to 180c.
Line a 9" x 11" tin with baking paper.
Melt the butter in a pan and add the chocolate, slowly melting together.
Put the eggs, sugar and vanilla into the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until fluffy and pale.
Add the melted butter and chocolate to the egg and mix well.
Add the salt to the flour and then gradually add to the wet mixture. Beat until smooth .
Chop the white chocolate roughly and stir into the mixture .
Pour half the mixture into the tin, then blob with half the salted caramel sauce.
Spoon the rest of the brownie mixture on top, being careful not to disturb the caramel.
Spoon the remainder of the caramel onto the top in 5 thick stripes. Drag a skewer through the caramel to make a pattern.
Cook for 25 mins (they will be jiggly when they come out).
Leave to cool completely before cutting into squares.
Eat and enjoy.